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Injection Pumps
> Service - Injection Pump Rebuilding
Service - Injection Pump Rebuilding
Service - Injection Pump Rebuilding
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to rebuild your existing Peninsular Engine's Injection Pump. Being the manufacturer of the Peninsular engine we have all the technical information for rebuilding the injection pump back to original (and most times better than original) specifications for the specific HP Level of Marine engine. A great deal of care is taken to properly rebuild the pump and replace all worn components that affect timing and fuel delivery and to properly calibrate the pump, correctly the first time. Typical turnaround once unit is on hand is 1-week.
When considering what to do to repair your fuel system, always consider using Unique Diesel for this service as other Diesel shops are not qualified to properly rebuild these pumps, nor do they have the calibration data that is critical to setting up the pump. The model number on the pump is nearly irrelevant to the actual application of the pump on your engine. Engines were custom calibrated to specific fuel rates depending on purchased HP level of the engine. Model tag information alone cannot provide this data when just a few models used for a couple handful of engine combinations.
Store will charge shipping on this item, which is the return shipping for your pump back to you.
Please note: Pumps will be tested and evaluated for being able to be rebuilt, pumps that fail our test cannot be rebuilt and a new replacement pump will be required (generally available in-stock). Pump must match selection used on the purchase of this service, additional fees and lead time may apply if requesting changes in HP level for example. Price of this service credited towards replacement new pump should pump not be rebuildable, minus a testing fee for old unit.
Pumps that are not rebuildable are pumps that we inspect that are internally contaminated with rust or algae (biological's), and pumps that are test run that fail hot fluid cranking pressures (pumps with hot no start problems are generally not economically rebuildable).
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