Before looking to contact customer service, please make use of the information below, and this will solve the majority of questions surrounding parts availability, identification and general purchasing requirements.
Do we handle parts for the Peninsular Marine engines?
Yes, we handle all parts for the Peninsular series inboard marine engines, we manufacture them. This website is an online store where parts availability can be seen and purchased. Do not contact us about whether we sell parts or whether they are in stock. To begin this process you will register for an account on the store which is immediately active so you can view, price, and purchase available components. Follow the link below:
Many part numbers and descriptions for parts have changed throughout the years. Recently we have changed the descriptions of all the parts to make them easier to identify and appropriate for an online store. Use the search on the store and product categories to find parts, also note that cast numbers are not part numbers. Some part numbers have been changed and some new numbers added. To more easily identify parts, please consider updating your Engine Components Manual to the 2020 edition. This printed manual has been re-written and updated to match parts availability which works directly with this store. Do not contact customer service for parts selection help. This manual is available for purchase on this store at the following button:
This store is compatible with both computer and mobile devices. The experience and usability is greatly improved on a computer, please consider this when looking for parts and usage as this may be the tool you need (a computer).
All purchases for Peninsular components will occur on this website, purchases outside of this online store are no longer possible. If a component (part number) you are looking for is not found (unlisted on the store), let us know and will advise whether it can be made available online and be purchased. We will advise a time frame or whether the component is discontinued.
Really need to Contact Us?
Customer service inquiries can be made by following the link and button below. The sole purpose of customer service is to assist existing or potential customers with making purchases on the website, or to assist customers with a purchase they have already made. The website is fully functional and simple to use so we must be direct and ask that customers utilize the resources fully before involving customer service to assist with something that is already accessible. Inquiries for pricing and availability when the email does not mach a registered user on the website will be disregarded, as this resource is reserved for those that are or wish to be customers.
Other special considerations exist for contact where there are problems with logging into the website. If you are having an issue logging into your account, you must follow the processes built into the website to managing a change of password. We cannot assist with change of passwords. If this does not work for some special reason, please visit the website policy for shopping cart help for further options.